Signs and dangers of calcium deficiency

As kids, we were taught to drink milk in order to build strong bones. As we matured, especially women, doctors stressed the importance of consuming sufficient calcium. What exactly is sufficient? As per the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Nutrition Board recommends 1,000 mg daily for males and females between 19-50. Women over 51 should aim to get 1200 mg daily, and men over 71 must do the same.

Calcium deficiencies could be harmful. News Medical warns diets that are deficient in calcium may trigger your body to produce a hormone known as PTH. The hormone is responsible for breaking down bone tissue to counteract the decrease in levels of calcium in the blood. If you’re deficient in calcium for a prolonged duration, then you could be more susceptible to osteoporosis.

Below, we discuss the symptoms and signs of calcium deficiency. If you think that you might be deficient in calcium, talk with your physician about your diet and supplementation alternatives.

1. Leg cramps. The loss of calcium could trigger nerve endings that tense, according to Women’s Health Magazine. This is the reason why calves cramps at night or hamstrings and quads are a typical indicator of calcium deficiency.

2. Numbness or tingling. Apart from spastic nerve endings, numbness or tingling in feet and hands could be another indication of calcium deficiencies, suggests Save Our Bones.

3. Cavities. If you’ve recently developed some more cavities than you normally do, the body could be telling you that you’re lacking in calcium. According to the Women’s Health Magazine, when your body isn’t getting enough calcium through food and exercise, it begins to search for calcium in other places like the teeth and then takes the calcium nutrient and applies it.

4. Peeling nails. Similar to bones and teeth, nails also are a storehouse for calcium. If they are peeling, then you might not get enough calcium, According to Women’s Health Magazine. Take more dairy and eat more vegetables that are green and shift to foods with fortification. You will notice a difference in the strength of your nails.

5. Trouble sleeping. Save Our Bones reports calcium aids in the production of sleep hormones called melatonin. The levels of calcium increase when the body is in a deep sleep. If you’re not able to fall into a state of complete sleep, it could be that you are suffering from a calcium shortage.

6. A humped posture. If bones are weak because of calcium deficiencies, the body reacts by stooping, according to Global Healing Center. It is also possible to feel back pain and neck pain. Back.

7. Memory loss. The neurologic symptoms of hallucinations and memory loss can be attributed to calcium deficiency. Healthline.

8. Seizures. Healthline states that calcium is essential for the proper functioning of neurotransmitters and muscle contractions. Thus, a lack of calcium could trigger seizures in healthy individuals.
If you suspect that you’re in the process of developing calcium deficiencies, It’s not enough to have more milk. It is essential to see your physician and discuss your concerns with a medical expert.

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