Don’t ignore these common symptoms. They might be early signs of lung cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the most common type of cancer and the leading cause of cancer death. Surprised to learn that 20% of all lung cancer deaths are caused by people who don’t smoke? According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is caused by air pollution, secondhand smoke, and radon gas.

Knowing the signs and symptoms of lung cancer early is your best defense. Early detection of lung cancer can improve your chances of survival and recovery. Continue reading to find out the signs and symptoms early on in lung cancer.

Frequent illness
Talk to your doctor if you notice an increase in illnesses like the flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Dr. William D. Kelley states that when cancer develops in the lungs and bronchial tubes, it makes them more vulnerable to illness.

Unexplained weight loss
Lung cancer can cause you to lose interest in food and feel full faster after eating. Dr. Kelley suggests keeping a journal to note symptoms and possible causes such as food poisoning, food allergy, or PMS in women. If you are unsure of the cause, consult your doctor.

Torso pain
Lung tumor pressure can cause a dull, persistent ache in your chest, shoulders, back, abdomen, or back. Dr. Kelley says that chest pain is common in patients with lung cancer.

Hoarse voice
NHS Choices recommends that you call your doctor if your voice is husky, if your voice feels strained, or if your voice hurts when speaking or swallowing — especially if it’s accompanied by a persistent cough, wheezing, or coughing up blood. These symptoms can include lung cancer.

Breathing difficulties
This common symptom is often mistakenly thought to be an indication of inactivity or age. According to Very Well, however, shortness of breath can be a sign of adenocarcinoma, which is the most common form of lung cancer in women.

Lower extremities weakness
Very Well says that weakness in the upper limbs, loss of coordination, and muscle cramps are all signs of paraneoplastic Syndrome, which is a condition related to lung cancer. This is where hormone-like substances are secreted from tumors.

Men can have breast growth.
Breast enlargement around the nipple is a lesser-known sign in men with lung cancer. Dr. Kelley explained that this is a sign of paraneoplastic Syndrome, which results in the release of hormones, proteins, and other substances into your bloodstream.

Finger pain
Lung cancer is often characterized by painful, thickened fingertips. Lung tumors release chemicals that stimulate bone and tissue growth under the fingernails and in the fingertips. Talk to your doctor if you notice any thickening, swelling, or clubbing of the fingers.